Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Most Embarrassing

The thing is, I watched Shane Dawson (click here if you haven't seen him before) and here's a video where he asked what are the most embarrassing DVD you have. Well, I'm gonna answer it here. he most embarrassing DVD I have would be.... The Prince and Me.

It's a really typical story about a girl who got married to the prince... bla bla blah... Okay, so it's true. I'm a sucker for these kinds of chick flick. The thing that makes me keep watching it, even to this day, would be Luke Mably. God, he's cute.

But if you ask what are the most embarrassing shows I watch... God, the list would be long. But the top 5 would be Pocoyo, Barney, With Mother (Okaasan to Isshou), Japanese Nursery Rhymes and Honey&Clover.

4 out of 5 of these shows are for kids and I still watched them. Well, my childhood is all fucked up and I don't get to see these shows.... No, that's a lie. I always watch TV when I was a brat and that's how I ended up being a couch potato. Barney was one of my favourite TV show when I was small and I even got my mom to buy me a Rock with Barney cassette. (yeah, I'm old) For the rest of the shows, it's just me trying to get back what I used to abundantly have when I was small. Imagination. It's not like I don't have imagination now, but it just fades as you grew older. So, I think by watching the shows makes me young again? No! It just makes me renew(?) my lost imagination....

++this post is kinda hanging doesn't it?++


Starwy said...

honey & clover in the list? :O

Sayko said...

yes, since honey & clover is something all mushy and all about love which i have no interest in for now. mushy but interesting.

whenever i watch this kind of shows they kinda tease me~~

Starwy said...

eehhh.. hehe.. but it's one of my favourite animes! I see it as students' uni life tho..

in what way this kind of shows tease you? :D

Sayko said...

the show itself doesn't tease me, my friends do... they say, I quote

"bukan cerite ni jiwang ke? boleh rupenye ko layan cerite jiwang"

says them~~ TT^TT

I like the story coz it's based on arts students...

Starwy said...

they said that?? hehe..
i don't see why you can't watch jiwang stories.hehe.. Drama,shoujo anime and all that.. they've lovey2 stuffs.right? XD