Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Alexandra Wallace

Again I was searching through you tube, and I found this video.

After watching it, all I can think of is "wow". Seriously, although I'm Asian and my language doesn't go that way, I still feel offended. The first thing that came up in my mind was "This bitch could really use a reality check." That was so racist of her. How can you use "All Asians". That is call labeling. Yes, I do label people sometimes but I don't make it public. Your mom might raise you to be a "nice, polite, American girl" but obviously you didn't turn out to be one.

Not to be hard on you or anything but the biggest mistake you did was posting the video on youtube. I suggest next time, just write it in your diary or something. Even if it was found out that you write racist stuff, the consequences won't be as bad.

In another totally unrelated but somehow have connections with the above, I find it offensive that people are putting all Asians into one stereotype group. I have you know that everyone is different. I don't learn psychology or anything but I feel it's just wrong grouping people up. They may have the same behaviour or something but I believe no two people are the same. It's like fingerprints. Each and everyone of us are different.

When someone acts some what different than what we're used to, we call the weird or freaks. This is so not cool. How would you feel if you were in their shoes. When I was in primary school, I used to be in one of the popular groups where every teacher knows your name. (I think) I know it feels all great and high and mighty. I dissed people here and there. But it all crumbled when I reached secondary school. That is when I knew what it's like to be weird so to speak.

When I entered a boarding school, some of my classmates were angry at me for being "too close" to the boys. Well, actually that is because I felt awkward talking with the girls since I was raised up in a neighbourhood where most of the kids my age were boys. Since I used to be close with the boys, I knew all the dirty jokes they used to tell. So when a male classmate tells a dirty joke in class and I joined in, I often get dirty looks from some of the female classmates. And when the boys shared the same joke with them, they acted all gross. It boggles my mind trying to figure out some women.

Oh, and don't go all feisty on me. I am a girl too but I don't believe in girls using their so called "girl power" to get what they want. It disgust me to no end when I see a girl using their girly voice to get what they want, and if all technique fails, they just cry their way through. I don't know why I hate it. Maybe it's because I never succeeded doing it or anything. Maybe I'm jealous. God knows why. A classmate of mine even told me before that my mind works like a guy's. I lol'd at the comment.

How on earth that we get from the topic of Alexander Wallace to girls? I know I'm ranting right now. It's almost 4, I'm half-awake, so forgive me. And if you notice, in this particular post, all I mentioned was my classmates said this, my classmates did that, and never my friends or anything. This is because I found that I don't need friends who stab other people in the back. I know friendship means going through obstacles and sacrifices together, but it says nothing about "stabbing your friend in the back while they're not looking". If that is what being a friend really is, I don't need a friend then.

++I like to rant, so what?++