My resolution for this week is....
Fill this jar with lotsa colorful stars~~~ I'm already a quarter of my way through, and I just realized how expensive those papers that you use to make the stars...
Clean up this picture and color it... This is one of the artworks that was inspired by K-ON's ending.... Yes, he's holding a can of spray in his hands. Not some weird circular thingy.
And lastly, hopefully to improve my Japanese language and finish of the list of fics that Laling sent me... I'm only 30% through... Oh, all those lengthy fics... but FAITO!!!!
I just realize that there are still some douche bag someone out there who doesn't know the difference between English with Chinese accent and English with Japanese accent. If you don't know the difference, please, PLEASE don't flaunt it. There is a reason his name is NARUTO, not NALUTO! One of them is because it's a Japanese name. So don't write it in your fic
" "Your name," he said, voice heavily accented. The 'your' slurred to the end, making it sound more like "you'll name."
(this is supposed to be a Japanese accent)
"Drink, dobe?" (In Japanese accent)
"Huh? Dlin-oh, drink?"
Here is some info for you, the Japanese language doesn't have the letter 'L' in it. Even in Death Note, L is pronounce as 'Eru'. So, if you are not sure about the accent, please google or something. That is what the net is for.
++I'm all mixed up++
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