Friday, January 15, 2010

....the hell!

Today I was online as usual when it was pass my bedtime in my friend's room. Laling seriously scared me shitless just now.

I was as usual reading my fic, when suddenly I heard 2 sounds at the same time.

KNOCK KNOCK <--- door knocking

aaaaaaaaa.....~~~~~~~ <--- My Ju-on message tone

When I heard this, I seriously felt like hell. I was wondering if the message received is connected to the door knocking, such as when I open the door and the message at the same time, in front of the door will be ****** and the message will read "you're dead"

But it was only Kak Nad wanting to borrow the sleeping light and Laling messaging me asking whether I'm still using the Ju-on tone.

So now, I am really sensitive to all the sounds and lights around me thanks to that incident.

That's the second time the phone has made me scared to death.

The first time when the whole level was reciting the Surah Yassin and suddenly....


Damn scary.

I should change my ringtone right about now.

++I really really want to pee but scared as hell++