Saturday, December 1, 2012

My Christmas List

If by any chance, one of my readers is an eccentric rich person, with a hell lot of money, and do not know what to do with it, can you grant me these wishes? 

1. UVERworld Arena Tour ticket, 22nd December 2012, Fukuoka Kokusai Center
See more here.

2. PRS Guitar Private Stock Hollowbody II
 (#1143 1P Quilt Top & Back "kissing hummingbird inlays" -Faded Aquamarine-)

3. XYLOBAND x UVERworld Tour Goods
(Blue and Red)

4. FREEDOM CGR Ventura4 (Blue, Semihollow specification)
(The one that Nobuto used for Xmas Premium Live 2011)

5.  UVERworld hoodie

6. Denim jacket
(the one in the picture)

7.  Black Converse All Star Sneakers

8. New pillows~

9. New album
(my old one is full already)

10. Fully sponsored trip to Kusatsu, Shiga, Japan.

++I do hope someone out there is rich enough to give me all these++