Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Me, tomatoes and Sasuke?!

I know, kinda weird for a title isn't it? For quite sometime now, I have been wondering, what is up between Sasuke and Tomatoes. Honestly, I have no hard feelings towards tomatoes. I like them. They're juicy and sweet and I prefer to eat them fresh. But the question is here, why does Sasuke likes it. It was never mention in the anime or manga. Maybe it has and I missed it, I don't know. But I did some researched see. It was never mention in the anime, but on a Naruto game it states that Sasuke favourite food is tomato and, well, yeah, ONIGIRI. An interview with Masashi (Kaizu's sensei) also bear fruit. He said that Sasuke likes vegetables like tomatoes. And the foolproof answer to it is... It says so in the official website. Anyway, I'm just glad that Sasuke is appearing in the 3rd Shippuden movie as well. (You hear that Kaizu??? Daddy is making an appearance again!!!) Ah, the title states tomato, Sasuke and me right? So, what do I have to do in this thing? Well, Sasuke and tomato are two of my favourite, so I is natural that I'm in this. Don't argue with my logic. BTW, Kaizu, meet my new baby, TOMATO and RAMEN. Tomato is yellow and BLUE, while ramen is green and ORANGE. Eat your heart out.

This is my notice board. Nice huh? Actually, since my bed is a double decker, this here is suppose to be the board that holds the upper bed but, who cares? It is now, MY notice board. There used to be more notes, but Whenever I've done it, I pull it out, so I can put new notes. Owh, and beside the Sasuke's pic is not my LAW notes but actually, a song lyric. (guess)

This is my two new babies that I never introduced. The BLUEyellow is TOMATO and the ORANGEgreen is RAMEN. How sweet, Ramen is kissing TOMATO....

Tomato and Ramen Together....

This is Ramen.

And this is Tomato.


chepazana said...

shoot, hun..ramen and tomato are cute...

u sure daddy gonna be in the 3rd film??so gonna eat my heart,with extra tomato and ramen as side dishes..yeah, i'm eating em..

hear that laling..EAT~~ing THEM.

sorry, i'm high

Sayko said...

Yes, I'm positively sure.
I da check kat official blog, mmg ada.
(Cue for you to scream)

Sedap ke you makan ati tue? Owh wait, ke u makan jantung?

Ur high, I'm high... Who gives the f***?