Sunday, August 5, 2012


See this? This is SHIRUBA AKUSE volume 14. As you can see, Takuya from UVERworld made as the cover. As an UVERworld fan, I want to have a copy of this magazine. The price is give or take RM54. I seriously wanted it. I was already on the Kinokuniya's website to place an order for the copy. Who the hell cares if I can't read Japanese, I just want to own it for the sake of Takuya's pictures.

But you know what, my scumbag brain had to ruined the moment when I was about to click the confirm button. It asked me, are you sure this magazine is that worth it? Even if you will have  to sacrifice 5 1/2 days worth of food allowance? So, I thought back, and decided not to buy it, thanks to my stupid but rational brain.

So if anyone has a copy of this magazine, can you please scan for me the pictures of Takuya? My heart will be happy to receive it. My brain has won the argument again for this time. But heed my words, if by any chance UVERworld is coming for a Malaysian live event, I don't give a fuck what my brain wants to say, but I will absolutely go!

++I have a love/hate relationship with my brain++


Anonymous said...

hahaha dude. i have tons of UVERworld related magazines and i cant even read kanji.

Sayko said...

I'm jealous. But in the end I bought the magazine still... So I'm happy~