Day 1 - Favorite UVER member
Day 2 - First Uw song you ever heard
Day 3 - Favorite song from “Timeless”
Day 4 - Favorite song from “BUGRIGHT”
Day 5 - Favorite song from “PROGLUTION”
Day 6 - Favorite song from “AwakEVE”
Day 7 - Favorite song from “LAST”
Day 8 - Something you love about TAKUYA
Day 9 - Something you love about Katsuya
Day 10 - Something you love about Akira
Day 11 - Something you love about Shintarou
Day 12 - Something you love about Nobuto
Day 13 - Favorite music video
Day 14 - Favorite UVERworld picture
Day 15 - Favorite TAKUYA picture
Day 16 - Favorite Katsuya picture
Day 17 - Favorite Akira picture
Day 18 - Favorite Shintarou picture
Day 19 - Favorite Nobuto picture
Day 20 - Favorite UVERworld lyric
Day 21 - One UVERworld song that you could listen to forever
Day 22 - Favorite UVERworld album
Day 23 - Number of Uw songs you have on your iPod/mp3player
Day 24 - When you became a fan
Day 25 - Number of posters you have on your wall
Day 26 - Your favorite live UVER song
Day 27 - Your favorite song that doesn’t have a video
Day 28 - Favourite live show
Day 29 - The most special Uw moment
Day 30 - An UVER song that makes you sad
Day 31 - An UVER song that makes you happy
But I am not going to post it day by day since it's annoying. I'll just post how many I want to post at once. So don't complain about it.
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