Wednesday, October 12, 2011

I don't know why I still do this..

This is exactly how I feel when I get a text from someone I hardly knew or someone I like... I'll type and delete, then typed again and delete it again and the process goes on until I feel like the reply won't make me sound like some idiot psychopath or some bastard with sticks up their ass.

Usually the ones who'll get replies without me needing to edit and 'tapis' my text is my family and laling and kyoko since they already knew my crazy randomness, Even my mom say, if I start acting normal, something is wrong with me.

But for everyone else, especially the one I'm awkward with, yes, I'll stare at the text for 15 minutes trying to think of a proper response. The less awkward I am with you, the faster you'll get my replies..

++I'm anti-social++


chepazana said...

i pity u laling...i pity u~hahaha

tho ppl got confused bile i gne noktah rather than kene sound suruh beli phone baru.hihi

Sayko said...

tah, tah sapa yg bagi u idea tu i pown tak taw... oh, n my credit expired, cannot reply ur msg this morn~ sorry~~