Sunday, October 9, 2011

Differences between now and 10 years ago

Because I was bored to the point of dying, I managed to recover my past diaries that I have been keeping ever since I was still an elementary kid. When I compare them, it's funny to think how much I have changed over the past 10 years. Here are a few examples:

10 years ago: The latest is by 11 pm but I'd be asleep by 10pm.
Now: 3 am would be the earliest.

When I'm bored:
10 years ago: I take a pencil and paper and let my imagination flow.
Now: Internet.

Communicate with friends:
10 years ago: Hours and hours on the phone using the house line.
Now: Facebook, Twitter, etc

Going out:
10 years ago: As often as I could.
Now: I rather stay home.

Opinion of guys:
10 years ago: FRIENDS!!!
Now: Is he gay?

Opinion of girls:
10 years ago: Bitchy
Now: Sluts and whores

Swear words:
10 years ago: Stupid, idiot etc
Now: Fuck!

So, how have you change? I know I seem to change for the worse but all that is a part of growing up right? Right? Ah, who cares? Look at all the fuck I give. (which is none by the way) Till then, cheerio good sir~

++I'm trying to act like I'm a Brit++