Yeah, that's what I like to call myself. A total nutcase. Actually, I prefer to call it Sayko, but I'm afraid other people use the term nutcase.
Anywho, anybody who knows me know that I constantly change my fandom every now and then. A friend called me a 'lalang' (I don't know the English word for it so go google translate it yourself). I can switch fandom like, well, a switch. One moment I'm so into this, the other moment it's a different thing.
For example is my music fandom. I choose music because if I want to talk about my favourite fandom, which is yaoi, the entry will be really, REALLY long.
I started my hardcore fandom with UVERworld. I got to know them through a 'friend' who let me listen to her ringtone. When I first heard it, I thought to myself, "gawd, this band is awesome" so I got the song from her. Then I got to know the band, the vocalist especially and even bought a CD just because there's an UVERworld song in it. I'm nuts.
Then, went I went to collage, my senpai let me listen to Arashi. I knew Arashi before but since my mind was filled with UVERworld, I discarded them to the back of my mind. But, this senpai she ignited the fire of Arashi inside my mind adn boy, does the flame burn. I downloaded all of their PVs and even the whole series of D no Arashi and a few of their concerts. Long story short, never was there a day that I never spoke of Arashi, especially since I knew MatsuJun starred in Hana Yori Dango and Gokusen. I bought any DVD I found with any Arashi members in it. I'm nuts.
When my senpai gave me a few of the Japanese artist to listen too, she gave me NewS too. Long story short, I fell in love. Again. But some how for News, there is nothing I did that goes for a honourable mention. I just downloaded the songs and PVs. Nothing special. Maybe I going normal?
Wrong! Then there's Super Junior. Ah, SuJu. The first time I heard of SuJu was also from this 'friend' who showed me this scene from Explorations of the Human Boday ep.12. The one in the pool. My first reaction? Meh. Then, again in collage a kouhai of mine gave the the full series. Then I understood the whole thing. I fell in love once more. I began spreading the SuJu love to my other kouhai's.. It was very easy to spread. On top of that, I even had my first idol pairing here. Who could resist the love of Hanchul. A narcissist cinderella and the China prince. *drool* Too bad they didn't last long since Hankyung withdrew from the group in 2009. When i got the news, I cried. Seriously cried. I must be nuts.
Before I reach my recent fandom, there are lots of fillers along the way, such as Big Bang, FT Island, SS501, Inoue Joe, Hirai Ken and a lot more. All these fandoms are switched monthly, weekly or daily, according to my mood.
Then we reach to my recent fandom, KAT-TUN. I got to know KAT-TUN when I was watching SUMMARY. Their song that caught my attention was Fight All Night. I got to know them during my NewS fandom period. I like the song, and nothing else. Months later, someone lent me a drama titled Gokusen 2. Since I like the first Gokusen, I figured out that Gokusen 2 might not be bad. Of course it's not bad, it has Kame and Jin in it. Of course there is also Nobuto wo Produce. Don't get me started on that. But at that particular time, Kame looks like his underweight. as time moves on, I got to know the rest of the band members. There's the totally awesome Koki, Usankusai or Old Man Maru, Awesome packs Ueda and the not-so-funny Junno. But what I see from their progress, I can see that Johnny must really love KAT-TUN. They got their own record label (J-One), their own concert before debuting, and even their own Guinness record for the most consecutive days of concert in Tokyo Dome. Hell, they can even go ahead and imitate Johnny in public TV, which I don't see any other group doing it. And although Jin left the group in 2010, KAT-TUN is still active and still in my heart.
Which make me wonder, what fandom shall I go for next??
but for now, AKAME PIC SPAM~~~~~
++kame is the king of emoticons and fanservice++
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