Have you ever been paranoid of something? Like heights or closed spaces? Well if it's just being scared, it would be phobia. But what I'm trying to say here is when you are scared of that thing and becomes delusional. That's what you call paranoid.
You see these few days, I have this unusual paranoia of doppelgangers and mirrors. Everytime I look at them i feel so... scared...
This is all that stupid show's fault. Stupid people looking at their doppelgangers in the in the mirror.
I hated mirror since I was small and I blame that on a local magazine called Gempak. They showed they to see ghost at night and being the innocent child I was back then, I did the stupid peel the apple in front of a mirror at midnight. I was so scared that I can't look into a mirror for years...
Now I'm scared of doppelgangers too. My uncle saw one of himself when he was in his office. My friend saw one of mine when in school. I once had an interaction with a doppelganger but never did I see the face. Only the voice...
Uh, I wanna forget this whole shit quickly!!!
++they say when you see your own doppelganger, don't follow it++