Monday, April 18, 2011

Lovers by 7!!

Although this is 2 weeks old news, I just found this out recently. It's the Naruto Shippuden Opening 9. But what really caught my attention was the band's name. So, the song is called Lovers by 7!!. How exactly do you say the name of the band? Seven, exclamation mark, exclamation mark? SEVEN~ (you know, as in screaming)? Then I googled the name to find how exactly to pronounce it.

Apparently, it is pronounced as "Seven Oops". (=.=") This is so totally a What The Fish moment.

Anyway, here is the opening video.

Honestly speaking, I cried watching this video because I miss Sasuke a lot. How many months has it been since he last made an appearance in the official manga? Before I found this video, and the OVA in the previous entry, I was totally drowning myself in doujins and fanfics. The 2 fics I kept reading are The Demilitarized Zone by Michelerene (my no.1 all time favourite) and A Little Less Than Forgotten by Myfailsafe (my no.1 favourite angst). Oh, and check out the authours' other fics too. They're totally worth reading.

++Can't wait for Kimi no Negau Sora no Hate by Piero++